Behind the Beans Vol. 1
Latte’s with friends. Photo by Larry Hess
Anthropocene Review: The Perfect Cup of Coffee
Author: Valerie Forrider
Does a certain phrase or theory ever circulate that has you thinking if that certainty is ever achievable? For me, that phrase is “the perfect cup of coffee”. I hear this phrase multiple times throughout the day from friends, peers, customers, family, and have caught myself uttering those words a time or two. When dissecting those words it got me thinking, does the perfect cup of coffee exist? Is it even the coffee that is perfect or is it simply the environment you are in?
After almost two years of being employed at River Roasters Coffee Co. located alongside the mighty Ohio River in Pomeroy, Ohio. I frequently am told that our coffee is simply the best of the best. Although that holds weight in its merit of being top tier, I often find myself wondering if it’s our environment that truly elevates your coffee experience. Is it the process in which we roast, manufacture, advertise, and provide an environment for all to enjoy, that truly makes that cup of coffee so perfect. In theory, we all have different ideas of what we deem something to be perfect. Considering someone’s perfection in a coffee can range anywhere from a black medium roast or for others, it is the wizarding flavors of our Butterbeer Latte iced and with all the fixings. Whatever your palette, your perfection is what holds true to your own standards.
Embarking on the journey of making the perfect cup of coffee, I sat down with Candice and Larry Hess, Co-owners of River Roasters Coffee Co. I asked them a multitude of questions ranging from picking the perfect bean for roasting to their original plans they had when starting the business, a little over five years ago. Reflecting on the baseline to their connection with coffee, that ultimately launched their current field of expertise, Larry expressed that growing up his parents would purchase the classic Folgers or Maxwell House. He went into detail on how they purchased whatever was on sale in which they would drink it daily, throughout the entirety of the day. For Candice, her connection was slightly different. Her mother owning a Mr. Coffee espresso machine that frothed and steamed milk allowed Candice to hone those skills used today from such a young age. She expressed that her mother was more into cappuccinos, as well as noting the cappuccino mixes being an expensive staple in their house during that time. As time went on, Candice and Larry recalled the countless times they were surrounded by friends, that when going out instead of saying, “Let’s go out to lunch” they caught themselves saying, “Let’s go out for coffee”. This jumpstarted the hangouts with friends to explicitly make espresso drinks and the trips taken that centralized new coffee shop experiences all leading to their dream. After recalling their personal connection to coffee they said, “Looking back it all seemed so simple”.
Without passion there is no perseverance. I feel like that is exactly what River Roasters Coffee Co. provides compared to other corporations. From the vibes of the room to the smells of bliss coming from the back kitchen, they really nail it on all aspects of experience. When arriving at the shop you can feel the passion that burns between not only the owners and the staff, but the community as well. It is truly incredible to be in a place that prioritizes their passion through communication and learning processes. The main goal to constantly be changing for the better and to work consistently to provide that to the heart of your community shows the dedication of not only Candice and Larry Hess but the team they hand select through their interview process. Magnifying the details and crevices of their business allows for the sensation of perfection to creep in. The only problem, is it truly perfect?
The River Roasters Coffee Co. Summer Salad is back!
I am filled with much sadness to inform those reading, perfection is never achievable. We often aim for perfection only to miss by a near millimeter. The understanding of never achieving perfection is something that enhances the drive to be better, do better, and to continue your work. As a current employee of River Roasters Coffee Co. I can confidently say that what happens behind the bar is far from perfection. Individually and as a team we make mistakes. We get the order wrong, the toaster burnt the bread, or you accidentally dropped an entire gallon of milk on the floor less than thirty minutes from closing. Trust me, these things happen. What I was never prepared for when entering this position some time ago, was the immense amount of fellowship and drive I would be so honored to share with a team like River Roasters. I was pleasantly surprised that the same persona that I received as a customer would be portrayed behind the bar as a fellow employee.
Grounded in place.
Apart from what happens behind the bar the seamless maneuvers of the staff seem to be accredited to the community and their flawless efforts to continue to show up and show off their small-town pride. When asked, Candice and Larry expressed that when starting their business, the initial outcome they had hoped for was to be the hub of the community where communication was truly free. I am ecstatic to announce that the initial hopes of this coffee shop have achieved that by leaps and bounds. When asked to describe the environment in which River Roasters Coffee Co. was to create, Candice and Larry expressed that through their travels to other coffee shops the remaining factor that was consistent were that they were the heart of their community. When expressing this realization Larry Hess said, “This is where everyone is gathering and where everyone was fully seen”. A place to be fully seen and heard, that is the place River Roasters created and maintained through the community’s help.
When reflecting on all the times I, personally, have had the best days with a cup of coffee I never truly had the same thing. I am a bright ball of energy that is very hard to keep on track, maybe it’s the hereditary attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. What I did find interesting is how all my happiest memories circulated around coffee it was always the environment I was in. It was the feeling of being wanted and the hustle and bustle of the town coming together for that Monday morning must-have, midafternoon pick-me-up, or even the casual tastings of their new creations. It was the ever-blooming presence of being seen without knowing anything more than the commonality of our love of coffee. That is the environment that creates the addiction to keep coming back for more. More ingenuity, more communication, and more community.
A Flat White surrounded by gold.
Finally, I will leave you with one question, what coffee defines you? What would that coffee say to others about you? I was faced with this question myself; ultimately, I was puzzled how to even answer it, but when asking others, it seemed like an easy answer to them. Larry Hess revealed that he would be our Aqua Electrica due to it being “multi- factitive and having many layers” like himself. For Candice she expressed that she was our Smooth Sailing in part to her “nutty personality and sweet side”. For myself, I could never go the route of others, due to being so complicated, personally I would be our Golden Latte. With a blend of Golden Turmeric, Honey, and Cracked Black Pepper I feel as though this captures my quirkiness and spice perfectly. So, what coffee defines you?
Author: Valerie Forrider
Photographer: Larry Hess Jr.